
Countless individuals around the world share the belief that humanity's next evolutionary leap will be achieved by collectively serving conscious evolution. They support the need to build a global community, restore ecological balance and encourage social transformation that optimizes human potential. Let us together reflect upon our own individual and collective part of the evolutionary process. We invite you to join with members of the Evolutionary Leaders circle who will be meditating at their annual retreat in northern California at 11:11 AM PST on November 1, 2011.
Please begin by repeating the collective intention provided by Lynne McTaggart below and join us in silence wherever you are. You may log on to the Institute of Heartmath /Global Coherence Initiative’s Global Care Rooms to view where other participants are located through a beautiful representation of our Earth.
An audio recording of the 11-1-11 Guided Meditation will be available on the following day on the Global Care Rooms site and on the Evolutionary Leaders site at www.evolutionaryleaders.net, allowing you to continue to do the meditation and hold the intention in the coming weeks.
11-1-11 Meditation Intention:
Our intention is to transcend superficial differences that divide us – race, religion, politics, beliefs, culture – to acknowledge, experience and honor the essential bond that unites us all as one interdependent organism.
We also intend to evolve in both consciousness and action so that each of us learns to perceive the whole, relate to others in wholeness, widen our definition of ‘we’ to be all inclusive and become evolutionary leaders for a peaceful, holistic, sustainable world.