2020 is an extraordinary year, in so many ways. We started off with a rocket-ship of energy, and the planet has been increasing in speed and frequency, ever since.
This year is very much focused on vision: who are we, we have we been, and who do we wish to become.
In so many ways, everything coming to a head, right now, in the world, is representative of this immense energy and the structural changes we are all collectively and individually experiencing.
So, I wanted to simply share a bit about my perspective - an energetic perspective - on what the coronavirus represents.
I was asked a question last Sunday, and I wanted to share the answer, and add a bit to it, as well as include a very strong energetic claim at the end, to help you center, whole, heal, and ground. The topic was specifically coronavirus, and how to create in a way that wasn't re-active or driven by panic. Here is my answer:
A lot of what's been happening in the world, is all about the head and the heart coming together - and how that looks in this space of vision... who we have been, who we are, and who we are becoming, in this moment of now, which is all there ever is.
There's a larger psychological lesson to this which reflects the energetic, and it's about choice and balance, about bringing the head and heart together, and from that space, utilizing facts and science and information - which requires us to trust what we've created at larger levels - And if we don't trust those, than we need to change them, or create spaces wherein we do.
There's a space where people would like to return to simplicity and trust (which is heart), and where we want facts to BE facts (head). We want and desire honesty, and at a wider level, there's such a fear and a "me-me, mine-mine" energy, that these manifestations are inevitable until we, as a whole, can begin to fully love everyone - and what I mean by that is not just a lip service kind of love - which we sometimes give ourselves, as well - but an actually showing and being of love.
Right now, we have an unprecedented opportunity to balance the head and heart.
We've had Atlantis where it was all head, and we've had Lemuria, where it was all heart... and, right now, on earth, we are very much working our way through the screaming inner child who wants that toy NOW and DOES NOT want to share!
This is a major balancing - or opportunity and calling forth - for that masculine, feminine, and child and for an emergence and merging or marriage of heart and head, working as one (mirrored in our pituitary and pineal glands, as well, which create how we see ourself and create our world), wherein we know, as the child, as well, we are safe and taken care of, and can therefore "see with our eyes," "hear with our ears" and accept, love, and create what we desire, based on a new dynamic of balance, inside and out.
In these moments, our job, is to unite as THE I AM THAT I AM, bringing all of us on board: head, heart, and our playful, joyful selves, and find the knowing, love, and leadership inside of us - which is how the return to centered, balanced, emotion, feeling, and facts all come into play... head and heart... head and heart...
So, with that in mind, here is our Intention and Claim:
I choose and know that I am One with the True Light of Creation, the Love of All, the Light of All, and I allow all wounds to be healed, all loops to be closed and transmuted, and I direct, choose, and allow that the Light of Truth be shone upon All, knowing the Truth to be Love and Joy, Ease, Empowerment, and Peace.
I take full responsibility for the creation of all that I AM, and I release and direct into the light of Source for healing any and all fear and limitation, as well as Genetic Templates and patterns, cords, obligations, contracts or agreements known or unknown, in all time and space, known or unknown.
And I am enough!
I recognize, claim, and affirm that I AM the creation of me. I acknowledge, affirm, claim, direct, and choose to know that I am the creation of me, and I choose to create myself with the Authority of the Divine, with Love, and Joy and Power in Divine Love, Peace, simplicity, and Pure Divine Inspiration and flow.
I choose to stand firm in the knowing that I AM THAT I AM and that any energy I may have been carrying, creating, or giving my power away to - including but not limited to the energies of sabotage or anger or rage or destruction or any lower vibration or energy in any shape or form is released and transmuted, and I choose a new.
I choose LOVE and GNOST.
I direct the dissolution of all bonds between any and all frequencies which may be holding me in duality, polarity, or from committing 100 percent to the creation of that which I truly desire. I know that I desire total freedom, and I direct the dissolution of all bonds between any frequencies holding limitations around freedom, love, and my ascension and creation, as well as truly knowing myself as creation and I AM THAT I AM through love and pure joy made manifest.