How to Make Complexity Work
"How to make complexity work" is the focus of my new book that I am currently writing, based on my Ph.D. dissertation "Into the Heart of Systems Change" from 2019.
The archetypal dynamics of crisis after crisis all boil down to the same starting point - archetypes of domination that compete for resources, control, and influence.
Although one may say that this archetypal pattern is part of nature and we are nature too, the way humans have played it out is extreme and has to shift. Mature species do shift as they learn how to collaborate rather than kill each other for resources.
Domination harms and misuses complexity. Unless we shift the system archetypes by which we grow and develop our human societies, we will continue these downward cycles into self-destruction.
Sadly, each new cycle that is instigated by these archetypal dynamics of domination proves to be more destructive than the one that preceded it. The war in Eastern Europe is the latest casualty of this archetypal pattern towards full self-destruct. This in itself should be a huge wake-up call for us to look more closely at the archetypal dynamics that are currently at play.
We are collectively dreaming our world in the belly of a rather nasty giant that is resisting with all its might the truth of its own reset into higher orders of possibility for which the time has come. This nasty giant has grown with the energy and life-force of many.
Reclaim the dream that is yours of our world and future, and become the "reset" button for stopping the archetypes of domination. Our time has come, and it is now.