
Deborah Moldow's picture
by Deborah Moldow
September 21st is the UN International Day of Peace, first established by the General Assembly 30 years ago. What’s so important about a day? Well, this day has become a magnet for people all over the world who are helping to build a culture of peace in all its glorious diversity to highlight the one goal that has eluded humanity throughout its history but without which none of the others can be achieved: peace on Earth. Government leaders are...
Duane Elgin's picture
by Duane Elgin
I've just arrived at a spiritual retreat center overlooking the Pacific Coast. For the next three days, 60 Evolutionary Leaders are meeting to explore how we can work together to create a more promising future. Albert Einstein told us, "We cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them." We cannot solve the "we" problems facing humanity from a "me" consciousness. For this reason, the methods for shifting awareness...
