
Nipun Mehta's picture
by Nipun Mehta
Last couple months have been filled with incredible activity that has showcased the unique beauty of our global ecosystem. It has also raised nuanced questions: What are our practices to embrace uncertainty? Is this a war or a love story? Should we return to normal or adapt? What does community building look like now? How do we lead with emergence, well beyond emergencies? While laddering the new, how do we compassionately hospice the old?Such a...
Ervin Laszlo's picture
by Ervin Laszlo
A global pandemic is an opportunity for global change—for rapid and effective change to a better world. Even if some people are depressed and do not see the light at the end of the tunnel, the pandemic we are experiencing is temporary; it will pass into history as all the previous pandemics did. But the change it brings may be lasting. It can be change for the better, or change for the worst. Making it a change for the better is an opportunity...
Jeanne White Eagle Pehrson's picture
by Jeanne White Eagle Pehrson
I had a flash of insight just a few hours ago that I would like to share with you. The catalyst was the global panic that seems to be gathering around the whole issue of the coronavirus. It dawned on me that, “Hey, remember that everything is vibration!! Everything!!” In other words, the coronavirus itself represents a specific frequency that creates a certain vibrational field. I immediately remembered my own experience with cancer many years...
Steve Farrell's picture
by Steve Farrell
For obvious reasons, December is the perfect time of year for us each to do a kind of “check-in” and take stock of where we are on our personal journeys into living more elevated conscious lives. For many, winter solstice and the deeply spiritual aspect of the holidays bring a sense of stillness, connection, and joy, but for others, this busy and complicated time of year can cause anxiety, sadness, and pain. Living in elevated consciousness is...
Jarrad Hewett's picture
by Jarrad Hewett
I recently came across an article discussing some of the more difficult spiritual notions that people grapple with: focusing on the positive, letting go of resistance, and accepting what is. The author found herself struggling with moral relativism and a feeling as if nothing mattered, and that there was no difference between reality and perception. One of the main comments regarding the article was a notion that many in the spiritual community...
Diane Marie Williams's picture
by Diane Marie Williams
The NOW (Nature of Wonders) Assembly was held in Delphi, Greece from October 10-14th and brought together over 100 scientists and social practitioners who have made their main occupation the study of the Universe. The participants shared cutting edge scientific breakthroughs that challenge our current worldview. A particular focus of the Assembly was our symbiotic relationship with Cetaceans (including dolphins and whales), our greater eco-...
Gerard Senehi's picture
by Gerard Senehi
After my shows/experiences I create, people often come up to me to try and understand the secret of my “powers”. I frequently get a version of this question: “You don’t have to tell me how you do what you do, but can you tell me what is the nature of what you do? Is it a trick or is it something else? Is it something you can teach?” When I hear this question, I smile inside and feel I’ve been successful in creating a temporary disruption of the...
Stephen Dinan's picture
by Stephen Dinan
I’ve been thinking more about just how important it is for leaders of the Shift to be willing (and able) to break with conventional thinking and the herd mentality — to stay true to our unique vision and build a new world. If we sacrifice our visionary truth, we shut down communication with our soul. In a recent online event featuring Sonia Choquette, she made the point that when we orient too much to the beliefs of others, it can shut down our...
Justin Faerman's picture
by Justin Faerman
There are two types of people in life: 1. The ones that play by the rules and accept the status quo and 2. The ones who know there is far more to reality than meets the eye If you are in the first group, you can stop reading now. Because these words are for the dreamers… The rebelsThe evolutionaries that choose to march to the beat of a different drum... The ones that aren’t satisfied with the current version of reality being sold… You know,...
Jeff Vander Clute's picture
by Jeff Vander Clute
The "New Consciousness” – or “New Pattern” of activity and consciousness on the planet – is both the knowledge and experience that All of Life, and everything in Nature, is One Whole and Indivisible System of Being. This One Whole System has countless layers of individuals and collectives expressing all manner of possibilities, and yet there is only One Process going on.  Naturally, what is one and indivisible cannot truly be separated into, for...
