New Story Summit: Inspiring Pathway's to Our Planetary Future
Joshua Gorman, Lynnaea Lumbard, Rick Paine and Elisabet Sahtouris Help Shape the New Story at Findhorn
By Lynnaea Lumbard
Key to the conscious evolution movement is the development of new stories for humanity's future. As evolutionaries, we recognize that we are in a paradigm shift, moving out of a belief that we live in a mechanical, dead universe into a realization that the universe is alive, intelligent, related, and interconnected. Out of this new understanding comes an imperative to learn how to be in new, more respectful, compassionate, and collaborative relationships with each other and our planet.
Some of us--Duane Elgin, Jeff Vander Clute, Lynnaea Lumbard, Rick Paine--have been working for several years specifically on finding, telling and living into new stories through New Stories and Great Transition Stories. And, indeed, most if not all of us have been working to create new stories in one way or another. This New Story meme has been growing so much that when Elisabet Sahtourisgathered with a group of Findhorn Fellows for Findhorn's 50th anniversary, an idea was born to host a Summit for people of all ages and cultures--storytellers, activists, artists, communiity and organizational leaders--to support the emergence of a coherent new story for humanity and to produce practical, collaborative ways to live into this new story.

Two years in the planning, the New Story Summit was sold out months before it occurred. So by the time September 27 arrived, the energy was full of anticipation as 325 people from 50 countries gathered for the week-long experiment in weaving the threads of the new story together, to create purposeful images of a life-sustaining and compelling future.
The Summit opened with a ritual calling in of the four directions by indigenous folk from around world (Africa, Australia, Hawaii, North America, India, Japan), a video welcome from David Spangler, and opening remarks from a variety of luminaries from Elisabet Sahtouris and Salish Kumar to Charles Eisenstein and Drew Dellinger.
The summit itself was structured much like a vision quest or rite of passage. The first days were for seeding, bringing forward the work and thought of many leaders to prepare us for a time of moving into the unknown and opening to what wanted to emerge from the group. Later days were for weaving the threads and integrating the learnings. The vision of this summit as a work-in-progress rite of passage to accelerate the emergence of the new story in the world at large was eminently fulfilled.
Filled with music, poetry, storytelling, dancing, constant conversations, provocative presentations, multidimensional workshops, and intergenerational dialogues, the Summit was wondrous, chaotic, deeply moving, and incomplete-- definitely a work in progress. In many ways it opened us into a rite of passage that we are still in, which is perhaps the beauty of it. The New Story is emerging through all of us in new, more interconnected ways and is spreading out into the larger world, not as a fait accompli, but as an ongoing engagement in the questions of our time: How can we move into more compassionate, collaborative relationships with each other across all classes, nations, races, and cultures? What do we need to change to be in right relationship with Earth? What are the new narratives that help us hold a positive vision for the future? These and other questions form a direction for our intentions, our thoughts and our actions that is ongoing. There are no simple answers, but a living into the questions themselves.

What we can choose is how we are with each other in the process. And this may be the greatest legacy of the New Story Summit, for the most profound moments were those of healing between people, not just as individuals but also as representatives of nations, religions, and races. Held mostly by the indigenous people among us, there were deep rituals of forgiveness of the wounds cultural genocide, of healing between men and women, of opening into relationship with Earth and the elements of earth, air, fire and water. These will stay in our hearts forever as the moved not only our minds but our entire beings.
In short, the Summit was a huge success, maybe not in all of the ways it had been imagined, but as a gathering of people committed to co-creating a new story for humanity it was a watershed in connecting the field to more of itself. The ripples are moving out to include more and more people in the conversation, for it will take all of us to live into the New Story.

John Perkins in Romania
John Perkins, co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance, offered talks and workshops across Romania in October on subjects ranging from "What Wrecked Our Economy? How to Fix It" to "Shapeshifting to Higer Levels of Consciousness." 
He also visited the Rosia Montana area of the stunning Apuseni Mountains of western Transylvania, Romania, where the group was able to do important shamanic healing rituals for the mountains and hills that are under cyanide threat. Of course, the Flag of Rights of Nature was present and triumphed on the high slopes on the high part of the Mountain Carnic and also at Taul Brazi. Photos courtesy of Pachamama Romania.

"IMAGINE, I Am, I Can" Empowers Women in Six Countries
David Gershon and Gail Straub Teach Agency to Women
The IMAGINE initiative empowers women in challenging life circumstances in developing world countries to envision and create new possibilities for their lives through participating in a 4-day training program called the "Empowerment Workshop." This program, developed by David Gershon and Gail Straub, founders and co-directors of Empowerment Institute, has successfully been applied over the past thirty years in over forty countries worldwide.
IMAGINE and Josie Maran Cosmetics have teamed up to address the part in women's empowerment that is often missing—agency—which enables the traditional investments in outer resources such as education or microfinance to be more effective.
IMAGINE is being implemented in six countries: Afghanistan, India, Jordan, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa, and has been culturally adapted. For every view of this animated short, Josie Maran Cosmetics gives 10 cents to the IMAGINE Initiative.

Shift Network Campaign for Ebola
Stephen Dinan, founder of the Shift Network, launched an bold Facebook campaign to stop ebola in West Africa. Evolutionary Leaders Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Sage Lavine, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Ocean Robbins, Bruce Lipton, Fred Matser, Diane Williams, Deborah Moldow, Charles Gibbs, David Gershon, Nina Meyerhof, Rod McGrew and Terry Patten helped support the campaign by donating to Doctors Without Borders and re-posting the message on Facebook. More than $30,000 has been collected to date. 
You are invited to help at
The campaign closes on November 26, so act now!
Spiritual Summit for Social Change in New York City
Drs. J.J. and Desire Hurtak, Ashok Gangadean and Deborah Moldow Present at Gathering of Local Visionaries
A Spiritual Summit for Social Change was held in New York City on Saturday, September 13th at the 2nd Presbyterian Church on 96th Street to gather the local community around some of the most salient topics of our time. The event, organized by Dr. Kurt Johnson and co-sponsored by The Global Interspiritual Network, Forum 21 Institute, Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and The Guild for Spiritual Guidance, featured a sacred opening and numerous free workshops throughout the day designed to activate the spiritual impulse to achieve integrative solutions to vital issues.

Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak led a workshop on Exo-Consciousness: Encountering the Other and another on Seeking to Move Beyond the Differences Between the World’s Religions, where Rev. Deborah Moldow was a featured speaker. Rev. Deborah also co-led a workshop on “Soulutions” for a Culture of Peace and another on New Community and New Spirituality. Prof. Ashok Gangadean added his wisdom to A Collective SPIRITUAL Approach to CONFLICT within ourselves, our organizations and globally, as well as to Spirit-Infused Social Change: the Interplay of Ritual, Language and World-View.

More than 300 spirit-based activists participated in this day, sharing ideas and resources with creativity, goodwill and a deep commitment to inner and outer change.
Campaign to Depolarize American Politics
By Carter Phipps
Several Evolutionary Leaders, Including Carter Phipps, Terry Patten and Craig Hamilton, are deeply involved in the integral political think tank, The Institute for Cultural Evolution (“ICE”), which is focusing on America’s dysfunctionally polarized political climate. Their board of directors includes John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods.
Here’s the problem: political gridlock in Washington is preventing meaningful action on pressing issues we care deeply about. Issues such as climate change, the vanishing middle class, Federal deficits, outdated tax policy, and many others. While some have lost hope, concluding that our government is controlled by moneyed interests with no progress possible, ICE’s depolarization campaign shows how America’s democracy is still capable of evolving. Their realistic solution involves advancing a vision of the “Future Right” and the “Future Left.” These anticipated future political positions will better integrate the wisdom of their opponents, while continuing to stand for the core values that animate each side. By showing how each side needs the other for its own mature expression, ICE’s campaign can help create a political climate in America where new agreements will become possible.
ICE wants to demonstrate the power of the evolutionary perspective by showing how it can provide powerful solutions to our society’s most pressing political problems. They are now conducting a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo that will help them organize, promote, and sustain their efforts to Depolarize the American mind.
ICE’s website features a detailed whitepaper and video presentation on their strategy, and a “polarization test” that shows you how you can become part of the solution. They’re also co-creating conferences and events, such as the recent Conclave on Polarization at the Esalen Center for Theory and Research.
You are invited to join ICE’s depolarization campaign.

"Origins" Exclusive Worldwide Premiere Through November 22nd!
Pedram Shojai, OMD, is the founder of Well.Org, the editor of BeMore! Magazine, the author of Rise and Shine, and the producer and director of the documentary films “Vitality” and “Origins.” When he ran a large medical practice treating patients with the same lifestyle-induced ailments again and again, Dr. Shojai began his mission — to help people understand the intrinsic connection between their lifestyle, their health and the vitality of our planet. He works to preserve our natural world and wake us all up to our fullest potential.
His new film, "Origins," asks the question, "Is nature deficit disorder making you fat?" Once we understand - through this beautifully filmed cinematic journey - what we have lost through our modern civilization, we can learn to reconnecct with what makes us thrive as the super-animals we once were.
You can view "Origins" at no cost now through November 22nd. SIGN UP TO WATCH "ORIGINS" HERE!
Lets Raise ISHAR!
Deepak Chopra Plans Digital Library for Holistic Sciences
ISHAR, the Integrative Studies Historical Archive and Repository, is the architecture for a online "Library of Alexandria," an archive of cultural and scientific knowledge, research and discussion with an emphasis on integrative medicine and consciousness studies that will be freely available to all. The curation process has begun, with a planned launch on December 1st, 2014.
Deepak Chopra says, "ISHAR is a project very dear to me – and something I truly want to invite all of my friends and the entire global mind/body community to help build and raise, either by sharing, championing, or making a simple contribution."
The first of the three wings of the library is Integrative Health, which focuses on academic and medical research of various mind body practices. The second theme is Integrative Practice, which covers the entire compendium of mind/body practices from all over the world as artifacts of cultural knowledge. The third theme is Integrative Studies, which explores the many philosophical themes that span research, humanistic psychology, cultural perspectives and evolutionary development around consciousness and mind.
A distinguished board of curators will review submissions from researchers, universities, doctors and journalists.
The initial campaign for #RaiseISHAR via Indiegogo was flooded with support from many notable figures in the mind/body community. Doctors, yogis, therapists, musicians, medical researchers, biofuel engineers and more are eagerly anticipating contributing to ISHAR.
For inquires about ISHAR for media and community please contact

2nd Worldwide Meeting on Human Values in Monterrey
Wheel of Co-Creation Comes to Life
By Barbara Marx Hubbard

I have just returned from Monterrey, Mexico, participating in my second Worldwide Meeting on Human Values on October 24. I am excited to report that the Wheel of Co-Creation was demonstrated live at that global event, as well as live-streamed from both Monterrey and from Humanity’s Team’s Global Oneness Day. Jean Houston was also there, speaking of the cultures of Egypt and Greece, as well as giving a powerful speech.
In Monterrey, leaders from every sector of the Wheel met with hundreds of students and facilitators to come up with collective intelligence as to how to achieve these innovations. On October 24, in the main event on the stage the leaders spoke of the need for integration with other sectors for any one of them to realize their goals. Monterrey sees itself as a City of Hope. We have been invited by a Catholic priest to offer the Wheel in 400 dioceses, as well as to 300 Compassionate Cities, and to a 22,000-person community seeking to integrate conflicting groups. My partner Juan Carlos Kaiten, working with The Hague, is leading this work with his partner, Mona Rhabie, who is developing a Wheel of Co-Creation in Cairo. The emphasis there is on Social Innovations that work. The challenge is to use this process with many other elements such as Mesh works, the Art of Hosting, etc., to cultivate social synergy in various conditions. Given the tremendous challenges in both Monterrey and Cairo, the goal is to deepen the process of collaboration, co-creation and whole-making, a vital frontier of social as well as personal conscious evolution.
Barbara’s new book will be released early February 2015, called Conscious Evolution – Awakening the Power of Our Social Evolution.

Club of Budapest To Celebrate 21 Years
From Vision of Planetary Consciousness to Platform for Planetary Action

Dr. Ervin Laszlo, Founder of the Club of Budapest, will launch a new era of action at the 21st anniversary celebration in Hungary that he calls, "The Flight of the Butterfly." Fellow Evolutionary Leaders who will join him include Michael Bernard Beckwith, Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston and Barbara Marx Hubbard.
According to Dr. Laszlo, "With a planetary consciousness we must tackle the challenge of creating a sustainable planet. We cannot create it alone, nor can anyone. But we can create it together. The next stage in our flight is to bring together people with the ethics and the ethos of planetary consciousness to think together and to act together, in order to enable all the women, men, and children on this planet to live with the dignity and wellbeing that is the birthright of every human being on earth."
"We wish to evolve from a think-tank to an act-tank: to a platform that people and organizations can join if they wish to promote the shift toward an ethical and responsible world. We now call together our Members, Partners and Associates to tackle this ambitious but entirely necessary and extremely urgent task."

Source of Synergy Foundation "Non-Local" Journey to Washington, D.C.
Dale Colton, Ann Hughes, Eve Konstantine, Nina Meyerhof and Diane Williams, Members of the Board of Directors of the Source of Synergy Foundation, home of the Evolutionary Leaders project, took a journey to Washington, D.C. on Election Day, November 4, 2014 to do research in “the field” and to hold the intention for a more mindful governance.
This effort is part of the Source of Synergy Foundation’s mission to lead Synergistic Educational Journeys to explore innovative solutions that demonstrate how our consciousness can support personal and global healing. The excursions are designed to activate our highest and fullest capacities, expand synergistic engagement and inspire collective action. This exploration will continue and deepen over time.

How to Meditate Without Even Trying!
Peter Russell Offers Online Class

Peter Russell teaches both beginners and advanced meditators in five on-line lessons offered on a "Pay What You Wish" basis. Each lesson consists of a short introduction of 5-10 minutes, followed by a 20-minute guided meditation. The skills taught will help you reach deep states of meditation in only a few weeks.
Peter emphasizes complete effortlessness in meditation—surrendering to the fullness of the present moment. Give it a try!
Re-Generation - A Global Citizenship Curriculum
By Joshua Gorman and Cherine Badawi

We are thrilled to announce that the ReGeneration campaign is launching into the world! After years of successful workshops and leadership trainings igniting young changemakers, Generation Waking Up is creating an innovative high school curriculum to support teachers in taking the power of our work into classrooms everywhere. We are running our largest crowdfunding campaign ever to help rally the resources needed to make this project happen.
Our goal is to raise $50,000 over the next 5 weeks and to connect with hundreds of new schools, teachers, and partners. To make this campaign a wild success, we need your support:
• Watch our NEW video and contribute today to help build the early momentum needed to reach our overall goal.
• Connect us with teachers, schools, and partners you know by filling out the ReGeneration online interest form.
This is one of those moments when the power of community and collective impact is ever so clear. Thanks for your part in helping take the impact of this work to scale!
With gratitude, Joshua and Cherine

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