Diane Berke
Main profile
Rev. Diane Berke is the Founder and Spiritual Director of One Spirit Learning Alliance and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Ordained in 1988, she is a respected pioneer in the field of interfaith/interspiritual education and has trained and ordained roughly 1500 interfaith/interspiritual ministers over the course of her work.
In addition to her ordination, Diane holds advanced degrees in sociology, psychology, and therapeutic counseling, and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in New York State. She is also certified as a facilitator of the Circles of Trust® work of the Center for Courage and Renewal. In addition to her work with One Spirit, she maintains a private practice in spiritual counseling/spiritual companioning in New York City and via Zoom.
Diane is the author of three books, Love Always Answers, The Gentle Smile, and Developing and Deepening Your Spiritual Practice, as well as numerous educational manuals. She has been a member of the faculty of Andrew Harvey’s Institute for Sacred Activism, a founding member of the Contemplative Alliance of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, and is currently a member of the core team of Transformation365, an online initiative to support people in cultivating or deepening a contemplative practice.
A student and teacher of A Course in Miracles for 30 years, Diane has led retreats and workshops throughout the United States and internationally. As an educator, spiritual counselor, and therapist, she is known for her compassion, clarity, and ability to create and hold space for healing and transformation.
Nothing creative or useful ever emerges from blame, judgment, or fanning the flames of reactivity within ourselves or in concert with others. The miraculous can happen when we come back to the love that is the core of our being and ask that love to guide our interactions and relationships with one another.