Denise Scotto
Main profile
Denise Scotto, Esq.’s advocacy and influence on human rights on the world stage is exhaustive. In addition to being invited by the Taiwanese government to help establish the country’s first CEDAW laws, she worked with the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative in South Africa during the first post-apartheid years, served as a key partner with the NGO Coalition for an International Criminal Court, and spearheaded the first legal education program in NY City and NY State bringing awareness to the pressing global issue of human trafficking at the local level.
a United Nations staff member in NY Headquarters, Denise helped formulate new policy relating to good governance, human rights norms and mechanisms, Security Council Resolutions and inclusive and sustainable development. She has always been a voice for the innocent, the oppressed, for the rights of women, children, persons with disabilities and for the realization of world peace.
Denise has founded the mindful social justice program as a hands-on way to serve the legal profession in reconnecting with the law as an expression of social justice and as a way to bring mindfulness to themselves and the world.
Denise is an attorney at law, international policy advisor, public speaker, interfaith minister & Founding Chair of a variety of international committees, most recently, the International Day of Yoga Committee at the UN where she combines her international advocacy with her decades- long practice of meditation and personal connection to diverse yoga masters & spiritual leaders.