Kanu Kogod
Main profile
Kanu Kogod works to develop all kinds of influential leaders to help them make greater contributions in their organizations, in their communities and on the issues impacting our world – from alleviating poverty (at the World Bank) to climate change (at NASA) to environmental protection (the National Park Service). She is an anthropologist and master executive coach who applies a holistic approach to her work – specifically, the language of leadership, emotional literacy, somatic awareness and energetic presence. She is currently working on a book, “Bridge Builders: Leadership, Mindfulness and Inclusion,” which focuses on the ground-breaking work she does to develop leaders and their organizations. Kanu holds a doctorate in anthropology, is a master certified coach and leads her consulting firm, Bridges in Organizations, since 1987.
Kanu has been a part of Leadership Greater Washington, has two early books on diversity and received an award for founding and working to sustain Youth Leadership Greater Washington for 15 years. She also works with Sr. Jenna on America Meditating.
Having been on a spiritual path since the early 1970’s, Kanu teaches meditation at two yoga studios in the DC area, just to share all that she has been given.
The freedom of our expression leads us to see the beauty in ourselves and our evolving creation. And when I see the beauty and love in me, I also see it in you. Although I may be but one blip in the great system of humanity, my precious spark and your precious spark are keys to the whole catastrophe of life.