Katia Txi
Main profile
Katia Txi’s work lies mainly in the field of naturopathy, nutrition, herbalism and, in general, alternative approaches to medicine - today this area of practice is known as integrative or functional medicine. Having radically shifted from a previous successful banking career in one of the top financial structures of the world, she has pursued a completely different path in her most recent studies and work, that has led her to acquire new academic heights, multiple certifications and years of practice in consulting on topics related to integrative well-being.
Her approach to health is a 360 view that is bridging modern day science with traditional wisdoms, biology with quantum physics, biochemistry with psychosomatics, and the physical with the energy realms. She firmly believes and has observed with all of her clients over the past decade that only a multi-faceted understanding of what a human being and a human body truly are can lead to a successful healing process from within yet efficiently using the most appropriate instruments of biomedicine, osteopathy, homeopathy, herbalism, hypnotherapy and energy therapies in synergy.
In view of her success as a naturopathic wellness consultant she became motivated to start sharing her knowledge and experience through writing articles on various social media platforms, in particular - on Instagram, where she launched her profile 1.5 years ago and where she currently leads a 350K blog on naturopathy, along with a second account (85+K) on spiritual philosophy, the New Earth paradigm and support for all on their path to transformation.
Using her social media forums that are aimed at bringing more awareness and stimulating a deep vibrational change, Katia has built up several charity initiatives with the aim of sponsoring the science of alternative medicine, helping the environment and the animal world. She hosts online webinars that are available on the VIMEO On Demand platform and YOUTUBE, leads offline seminars in the UK, EU and Russia, is currently working on her first book and actively collaborates with other likeminded specialists of various modalities worldwide to potentiate a more holistic and true way in which people perceive themselves, their bodies, health, emotions and energy structures.
She is a true citizen of the world - born in Moscow, Russia, raised in Washington, D.C., the U.S., and having spent the last 2 decades living and working both in Spain and the UK, currently based in London, where she resides with her husband and 2 children.
If you listen to your body whisper, you won’t need to hear it scream.
If you don’t heal your inner wounds, you will continue to bleed on those who haven’t cut you.