Lorena Llobenes
Main profile
· Dra. Lorena Llobenes graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with Honor Diploma
· She was teacher at the Neurophysiology department at the Medical University of Buenos Aires
· She did a residency in pediatry at the Children's Hopsital Ricardo Gutierrez and she did postgraduate strudies in Child Neurology at the University of Buenos Aires
· She studied ayurvedic medicine at the Maimonides University in Argentina and at the Dev Sanskriti University in India
· She study comtmplatives practices in Argentina and abroad
· She trained in Compasion in CCARE, at the center for studies and research of compasion and altruism at Stanford University
· She is a certified instructor in Mindfulness for kids, young adults and parents using the AMT method of the Academy for Mindful Teaching of Eline Snel in Holland
· She was part of the Compasion Group in Finland, where they research Compassion as strategy for innovation at work environment
· She is teacher and trainer in health education and in business sectors
· Frequent speaker in the acadamy and scientific congresses in Argentina and Finland
· Former doctor at the Hospital de Clínicas, Hospital Italiano, Hospital de San Isidro and Sanatorio la Trinidad
· She is a member of the team at Foro Mindulnes, IMI, PowerMindfulness and work at her private consulting work
· She is commited to a personal practice of Mindfulness and attending to traditional Buddhist retreats
· She is now deepening her studies in Contemplative Neurosciences researching the intersection of science and spirituality