sdinan's tweets

My guess is that he figures he can cut 50% of the overall staff at Twitter but to get to more culture bal… year 8 months ago
So he is not, in effect, event attempting good governance of the culture at Twitter and he's shattering m… year 8 months ago
For instance, Musk has taken a left-wing cause - preventing ecological collapse - and developed a more p… year 8 months ago
I would wager that he hires a large number of people in Austin after he has reduced the ranks of San Fran… year 8 months ago
His hints that he is not moving the company to Texas but there may be a second HQ with power there is a h… year 8 months ago
But he is promising to make the platform attractive again to the hard right with his provocations of the… year 8 months ago
He is ruthlessly disruptive the norms of left-leaning companies by firing massive numbers of people, driv… year 8 months ago
In his view, a truly neutral global commons has to be equally welcoming to the right. So he is conscious… year 8 months ago
So here is what is doing right now. As part of his change-the-world with Twitter strategy (which he has)… year 8 months ago
So this approach makes the platform wiser, easier to customize for those who want only the wisest, not th… year 8 months ago