cphipps's tweets

Garry Nolan 🔥 https://t.co/nXfulAd1jd1 year 2 months ago
Good to see. Decarbonization of industry activity using advanced nuclear. https://t.co/bkPXvmFNl81 year 2 months ago
🔥 https://t.co/1rpAgpe7AV1 year 2 months ago
Ha! https://t.co/oOuZPOXcc31 year 2 months ago
social backwardness? — 1 year 2 months ago
First rule of foreign policy: ignore Chomsky. :-) But of course, you're right that we're hardly bl… https://t.co/vdSVsDzpez1 year 2 months ago
In Latin America? Of course, we should stop it. Of geopolitical interest? Well, those things are imp… https://t.co/7NYBz5dMcq1 year 2 months ago
The idea that the US policy is the cause of most geopolitical ills, and that most can be fixed by changing US polic… https://t.co/pxA1d9swjp1 year 2 months ago
RIP Gordon Lightfoot Truly one of my favorite singer/songwriters...so many favorite songs, but this one is up ther… https://t.co/Y7yqTnjEuy1 year 2 months ago
https://t.co/PZQrhfMiqF1 year 2 months ago