Sergey Solonin

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Sergey Solonin

Sergey Solonin holds positions of CEO of The FinTech Association, co-head of the working group FINNET (Agency for Strategic Initiatives), CEO of QIWI Group.

Sergey Solonin provides private investments in promising finteсh projects through co-investment of such companies as Timepad, Instamart, YouDo, Gaijin, Arena Market, Aviasales, SEO Pult, BitFury, Ecwid, Obed-Bufet, Ramenskii Confectionery Plant.

In addition, his activity focuses on the development of new educational initiatives and institutions in Russia, providing systematic investment support for federal projects in the development of modern alternative education. For example, Mr. Solonin is a co-investor of the Creative Thinking School of ICRA, the British Higher School of Design, the Moscow School of Cinema, the Scream School of Computer Technologies, the MARCH Architectural School, and the founder of the Center for the Promotion of Innovations in Education.

Love like you have never been hurt. Work like you don’t need money. Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Live like it's heaven on Earth. Die like the whole life is ahead of you.